I Can Not Hoop This! How Can I Embroider On It?
21st Mar 2014 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew

I Can Not Hoop This! How Can I Embroider On It?

One of the best finds we have made is Stability stabilizers and my personal favorite is Aqua Adhere. Aqua Adhere goes into your hoop as though it is the fabric with the shiny side up. Then you take a wet sponge and wet the Aqua Adhere. Then just place whatever you want on the Aqua Adhere and it will not move. So you know the corner of the napkin you want to embroider - Use Aqua Adhere! How about the ribbon you want to embroider - Use Aqua Adhere! Or the towel you can not get in the hoop - Use Aqua Adhere! I am sure you will find many uses for Aqua Adhere and you will too become an Aqua Adhere addict like me. By the way you can reposition your item by just rewetting it. Best of all no sticky gets in your machine like other adhesive-backed stabilizers. Yeah!!!

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