2nd Aug 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is a welt?
A welt is a method of covering the raw edges of an opening or a pocket. The types of welts include single and double welts. A welted pocket has a similar look to a large buttonhole. A welt is a great way to create a sturdy pocket with a decorative appearance.
30th Jul 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is an empire waist?
An empire waistline is a waistline, which is, located higher then the wearer’s actual anatomic waistline. It is typical for an empire waistline to be located directly under the bust slightly below that line.
25th Jul 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is a Wing Needle?
A wing needle is needle which is wing shaped with flare sides which creates holes in tightly woven fabrics. A wing needle is needed to create entredeux. There are two types of wing needles single or double.
22nd Jul 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is a french knot?
A French knot is an embroidery stitch, which is done by hand and involves bringing a needle through fabric approximately 4 times, and then taking the needle back down into the fabric and leaving a knot on the top. The overall result is a decorative 3 dimensional stitch, which can used to embellish garment or traditional embroidery.
21st Jul 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is Acetate?
Acetate is a weak shiny fabric, which does not often shrink and dries quickly. An interesting fact is this fabric can be melted with nail polish. Combined with other fabrics Acetate can give fabric a silk-look. Acetate is often used for lining, and has a great drape to it.