17th Apr 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
If you are Experiencing Difficulty with Embroidery Thread Tension - You Need to Read This
Difficulty which stitching can be caused be incorrect thread tension. To correct a thread tension problem first identify how the thread is breaking. If the thread is breaking, it may because the top tension is to tight and needs to be loosened. Alternatively if the thread is looping in the back, the problems is most likely top thread tension which is to loose and needs to be tightened.If you are having difficulty with stitching decorative stitches and have already adjusted top thread tension i
14th Apr 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
How to Machine Baste
Basting by machine is a quick and easy way to temporarily hold an area. An example of when machine basting would be useful is inserting a zipper into a project. Machine basting should be sewn next to the area you are going to final sew unless it is just temporarily holding fabric together such as when you are sewing in a zipper.Unless you are sewing simply temporarily holding together fabric an example being sewing in a zipper machine basting should be sewn directly next to the area where fina
11th Apr 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
How to Hand Baste
Easier to remove than a machine basted stitch, because is essentially a longer running stitch which is easy to remove. An added benefit of hand basting it is easier to maintain control; the drawback is it is considerably more time consuming than machine basting.
Pin the area you would like to sew together Thread the hand sewing needle, then tie a knot at the end of the tread to secure the thread Create a knot in the edge of the fabric where it will not be sewn over by a sewing machine It
10th Apr 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is a New York Hem?
Also known by name “the super hem.” Often used to hem jeans, while leaving the original hem in place. To create a New York hem simply turn the hem up, right sides facing each other, assure the original hem line is currently where you would like the new hem to be. Use a sewing machine to sew under the original hem. Then cut off excess fabric. Then press the new hem down, and put a top stitch over the trimmed fabric through original hem stitch subsequent to pressing the new hem down.
9th Apr 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew
What is Entredeux?
Entreduex is a word of French origin and it means “between two.” The most common use of Entreduex is to join together two pieces of lightweight fabric with a piece of lace. Another way of using Entreduex is combining two ribbons together with a piece of lace.