
29th May 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew

What is a Yoke?

Predominantly found on articles of clothing such as western style shirts or oxford shirts, a yoke is a small decorative panel of fabric, which starts at the shoulders and comes several inches down. Additionally a yoke may also be used as part of a shirt front, coming from the shoulders to the chest level of a shirt.
26th May 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew

What is an Alter/Alteration?

The process of making changes to pattern which has been entirely sewn out or article of clothing to create a better fit for the wearer. Some of the methods of alteration include: Hemming Taking it in Changing the size in anyway An example of when altering clothing is altering stock costumes to fit a variety of cast member. Methods such as adding seams, letting out seams, and taking in seams can allow for a stock costume to gain a custom fit. By altering a garment, the article of clothing …
21st May 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew

What is a Muslin?

A muslin is an inexpensive woven fabric typically used for a variety of reasons including: Making Draft Garments Creating Trial Garments Making Crafts Making Back Quilts
18th May 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew

What is a Top Stitch?

A top stitch is a decorative occasionally functional stitch which is typically ¼” of the edge from the seam. The seam is visible because is on top of the project (ie topstitching is visible on the picture of the jacket located to the side of this description). Another example would be a when a vest is turned a person may stitch 1/4” from the edge on top of the garment to create further stabilization. This type of stitching can be done with similar or contrasting colored thread to create further …
15th May 2015 | Posted by Mr. Vac and Mrs. Sew

What is a Tracing Wheel?

A tracing wheel is a instrument which is used in conjunction with tracing paper is placed on the fabric with the “ink” side down, the pattern markings that need to be transferred placed upon the paper, and then the markings are traced with the wheel. It should be noted that extra care must be provided when using a tracing wheel as pressing too hard can cause harm. Additionally tracing ink is not always washable, and is something which must be considered before usage. …